Ikot Ekpene L.G.A Postal Code

This is a Complete list of Ikot Ekpene L.G.A Postal Code, Towns and Villages. Ikot Ekpene L.G.A Zip code is the same as Ikot Ekpene L.G.A Postal code or L.G.A Postcode. Below we have the full list of postal code for Ikot Ekpene district area.

This list is organized by areas, districts and street. Mostly all the street in each area have the same postal/zip code. The Ikot Ekpene L.G.A Zip code is the nine digits at the front of each streets. The streets are under the area .

List of Ikot Ekpene Districts

Click on District to show the zip code

Abak IfiaAmanyam
Abiakpan Ikot IremAmanyam
Abiakpo Ntak-InyangAmanyam
Ata Essien MbiasoAmanyam
Ibong Ikot AkanAmanyam
Ikot Akpan-AbiaAmanyam
Ikot EdietAmanyam
Ikot EnwangAmanyam
Ikot Obong OtoroAmanyam
Ikot OsuraAmanyam
Ikot OutAmanyam
Ikot UbohAmanyam
Ikot Udo OsungAmanyam
Mbiaso Ikot Uso-udoAmanyam
Mbiaso Nto-Obio EkongAmanyam
Nbo Obodom IbiasoAmanyam
Nyara Enyin-Ntong UnoAmanyam
Abak OkoIkot Ekpene Urban
Abiakpo Edem IdimIkot Ekpene Urban
Abiakpo Ikot EssienIkot Ekpene Urban
AkanaanIkot Ekpene Urban
IbiakpanIkot Ekpene Urban
Ibiakpan IkotIkot Ekpene Urban
Ibiakpan Nto AkanIkot Ekpene Urban
Ibiakpo Edem IdimIkot Ekpene Urban
Ibong Nto AkanIkot Ekpene Urban
IfuhoIkot Ekpene Urban
Ikot Abia IdemIkot Ekpene Urban
Ikot-Ekpene-VillageIkot Ekpene Urban
Ikot IdemIkot Ekpene Urban
Ikot InyangIkot Ekpene Urban
Ikot Obong EdongIkot Ekpene Urban
Ikot OutIkot Ekpene Urban
Ikotobio OkponIkot Ekpene Urban
Itak Ikot Udo-OkopIkot Ekpene Urban
Ndem EkpotIkot Ekpene Urban
Nkap Ikot Obio EbokIkot Ekpene Urban
NsiakIkot Ekpene Urban
ObioekereIkot Ekpene Urban
Uruk UsoIkot Ekpene Urban
Utu Edem UsungIkot Ekpene Urban
Utu Ikot EkrenyongIkot Ekpene Urban
Utu Ikot EssienIkot Ekpene Urban
Utu IkpeIkot Ekpene Urban

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