Itu L.G.A Postal Code

This is a Complete list of Itu L.G.A Postal Code, Towns and Villages. Itu L.G.A Zip code is the same as Itu L.G.A Postal code or L.G.A Postcode. Below we have the full list of postal code for Itu district area.

This list is organized by areas, districts and street. Mostly all the street in each area have the same postal/zip code. The Itu L.G.A Zip code is the nine digits at the front of each streets. The streets are under the area .

List of Itu Districts

Click on District to show the zip code

Ikot Akpabio-AyadeheAyadehe
Ikot OnoiAyadehe
Ikot UdoAyadehe
Adang ItamEast Itam
Afaha IEast Itam
Efi ItamEast Itam
Ekim Itam IEast Itam
Ekim Itam IIEast Itam
Ekritam Akpan ObongEast Itam
Ema ItamEast Itam
Enen Atai ItamEast Itam
Ibiaku Ikot ObongEast Itam
Ikot Akpan ItamEast Itam
Ikot Andem ItamEast Itam
Ikot AnnieEast Itam
Ikot Anse ItamEast Itam
Ikot AyanEast Itam
Ikot Nya ItamEast Itam
Ikot UkapEast Itam
Ikot UkonoEast Itam
Ikot Uso AkpanEast Itam
Mbak Atai ItamEast Itam
Mbak Obio ItamEast Itam
Mbiabong AfahaEast Itam
Mbiatok ItamEast Itam
Mkpeti ItamEast Itam
Nkim ItamEast Itam
Ntiat ItamEast Itam
Obong ItamEast Itam
Odiok Afaha ItamEast Itam
Okon ItamEast Itam
Uyo ItamEast Itam
Afia IsongItu
Akpa Ekpene OtonItu
Edem InyangItu
Esin UfotItu
Esuk ItuItu
Ikot Ukpo ItuItu
Obot EtimItu
Obot ItuItu
Odu ItuItu
Okoho ItuItu
Efik IbunoMbiabo
Eton AniMbiabo
Ikot EfahMbiabo
Ikot OffiongMbiabo
Ikot OutMbiabo
Mbiabo EdereMbiabo
Mkpana UrukMbiabo
Nya AnatingMbiabo
Ufok Offiong AniMbiabo
Ika OkuOku
Ikot AbiyakOku
Ikot AdakpanOku
Ikot AntuenOku
Ikot Eka IkoOku
Ikot EsiaOku
Ikot EssienOku
Ikot Ntu OkuOku
Afaha ItamWest Itam
Afaha UbeWest Itam
Afaha Ude OkeWest Itam
Atai Ibiaku ItamWest Itam
Ekit-Itom Akpan ObongWest Itam
Ikot Abasi ItamWest Itam
Ikot Ayan ItamWest Itam
Ikot Ebom ItamWest Itam
Ikot EkangWest Itam
Ikot Ekwere ItamWest Itam
Ikot Emien ItamWest Itam
Ikot EtpukWest Itam
Ikot Mbonde ItamWest Itam
Ikot Obio Atai IWest Itam
Ikot Obio EnangWest Itam
Ikot Obong EdongWest Itam
Mbak Ikot OkuWest Itam
Mbak ObioWest Itam
Mbribit ItamWest Itam
Ntak InyangWest Itam
Nung Ukot ItamWest Itam
Nwut UsiongWest Itam

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