Mbo L.G.A Postal Code

This is a Complete list of Mbo L.G.A Postal Code, Towns and Villages. Mbo L.G.A Zip code is the same as Mbo L.G.A Postal code or L.G.A Postcode. Below we have the full list of postal code for Mbo district area.

This list is organized by areas, districts and street. Mostly all the street in each area have the same postal/zip code. The Mbo L.G.A Zip code is the nine digits at the front of each streets. The streets are under the area .

List of Mbo Districts

Click on District to show the zip code

EkiebongAfaha Okpo
Eyo EfaiAfaha Okpo
Eyo UkutAfaha Okpo
IbeteAfaha Okpo
Ibuet IkotAfaha Okpo
UbaAfaha Okpo
UbotuongAfaha Okpo
UdiniAfaha Okpo
UdomboAfaha Okpo
Udung Eyo AdaebaAfaha Okpo
Uko AkpanAfaha Okpo
Akpa NkanuaEffiat
Akwa Obio EffiatEffiat
Asiok ObufaEffiat
Esuk AnwangEffiat
Ibuot UtanEffiat
Ine Inua AbasiEffiat
Inua AbasiEffiat
James TownEffiat
Mbe NdoroEffiat
Obio IyataEffiat
Obong NimEffiat
Usuk EffiatEffiat
Utan AntaiEffiat
Utan BramaEffiat
Utan UdomboEffiat
Utang EfiongEffiat
Esa EkpoIbiaku
Ibekwe-Akpan NyaIbiaku
Ibiaku Esa EkpoIbiaku
Ikot Abasi AkpanIbiaku
Ikot Abia EninIbiaku
Ikot AkaIbiaku
Ikot Ata/Nung IkonoIbiaku
Ikot Ekpenyong.Ibiaku
Ikot IdiongIbiaku
Ikot ItinaIbiaku
Ikot NtotIbiaku
Minya NtakIbiaku
Ndot/Abat NyaIbiaku
Nya OdiongIbiaku
AtanukIkpa Ibom
EkimIkpa Ibom
IbiotioIkpa Ibom
Ikot AbaIkpa Ibom
Ikot AkataIkpa Ibom
Ikot Akpa-EkopIkpa Ibom
Ikot Akpabio UkamIkpa Ibom
Ikot AkpadenIkpa Ibom
Ikot Akpan UkamIkpa Ibom
Ikot AyanIkpa Ibom
Ikot EdimIkpa Ibom
Ikot Edong UkamIkpa Ibom
Ikot EkongIkpa Ibom
Ikot EkpangIkpa Ibom
Ikot EninIkpa Ibom
Ikot Etefia UkamIkpa Ibom
Ikot EtoIkpa Ibom
Ikot IsegheIkpa Ibom
Ikot Obio-AkaiIkpa Ibom
Ikot Obio EkpongIkpa Ibom
Ikot Obio NdohoIkpa Ibom
Ikot Okop Ikpa Ibom
Ikot OyoroIkpa Ibom
Ikot UkwaIkpa Ibom
Ikotn Inyang-OkopIkpa Ibom
Ndom GbodomIkpa Ibom
Ndom IbotioIkpa Ibom
ObioeteIkpa Ibom
AsanaIkpo Ikono
EkpukIkpo Ikono
IbiangaIkpo Ikono
IffeIkpo Ikono
Ikot Abia-UtokIkpo Ikono
Ikot AfangIkpo Ikono
Ikot EdaIkpo Ikono
Ikot EkpawIkpo Ikono
Ikot EnyiengeIkpo Ikono
Ikot Esen Akpan NtuenIkpo Ikono
Ikot MkpeyeIkpo Ikono
Ikot Obio-NsoIkpo Ikono
Ikot UmiangIkpo Ikono
Ikot UnyaIkpo Ikono
ItonIkpo Ikono
Akai AtiUkwong
Akai owuUkwong
Eprang UdoUkwong
Ibaka (Uda)Ukwong
Isong InyangUkwong
Kprang (Uda)Ukwong
Mkpang UtongUkwong
Offi (Uda)Ukwong
Onukim (Uda)Ukwong
Osu UdesiUkwong
Udung Eyo UnyengeUkwong
Uke NtegheUkwong
Utit Atai UnyengeUkwong

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