Ijebu Ode L.G.A Postal Code

This is a Complete list of Ijebu Ode L.G.A Postal Code, Towns and Villages. Ijebu Ode L.G.A Zip code is the same as Ijebu Ode L.G.A Postal code or L.G.A Postcode. Below we have the full list of postal code for Ijebu Ode district area.

This list is organized by areas, districts and street. Mostly all the street in each area have the same postal/zip code. The Ijebu Ode L.G.A Zip code is the nine digits at the front of each streets. The streets are under the area .

List of Ijebu Ode Districts

Click on District to show the zip code

AbapawaIjebu Ode
AgbowaIjebu Ode
AgoroIjebu Ode
AkataIjebu Ode
AsenbaIjebu Ode
AtakoboIjebu Ode
AtibaIjebu Ode
EgbaIjebu Ode
ErejiIjebu Ode
ErigoIjebu Ode
ErinluIjebu Ode
EsuruIjebu Ode
GbawojoIjebu Ode
Idi MmangoIjebu Ode
IdonaIjebu Ode
IfidoIjebu Ode
IgankeIjebu Ode
IgaraIjebu Ode
Igasa OdoIjebu Ode
IgbebaIjebu Ode
IgbogunIjebu Ode
IgbokutuIjebu Ode
IillsesIjebu Ode
Ijebu -OdeIjebu Ode
IkangbaIjebu Ode
IkotoIjebu Ode
IloneIjebu Ode
IlotiIjebu Ode
ImagbonlmegunIjebu Ode
ImodiIjebu Ode
ImosanIjebu Ode
ImoweIjebu Ode
ImowoIjebu Ode
IperinIjebu Ode
IrawonIjebu Ode
IsadeIjebu Ode
IsiwoIjebu Ode
ItabuIjebu Ode
ItamarunIjebu Ode
IwesiIjebu Ode
LaparaIjebu Ode
LatugunIjebu Ode
MaraikaIjebu Ode
MobalufonIjebu Ode
Odo Ijebu Ode
Odo- AkataIjebu Ode
Odo -Deyo IsiwoIjebu Ode
Odo EpoIjebu Ode
Odo Ijebu Ode
Odo LatayeIjebu Ode
OdoaiyeIjebu Ode
OdokobiaraIjebu Ode
OdolayanraIjebu Ode
OdolewuIjebu Ode
OdomolasaIjebu Ode
OdonokoIjebu Ode
Odosengbu AjanoIjebu Ode
OdosenluIjebu Ode
Oke EriIjebu Ode
Oke LifeteIjebu Ode
Oke -OkeIjebu Ode
Oke Ijebu Ode
OkemoyinIjebu Ode
OmiduduIjebu Ode
OmodoIjebu Ode
Onala -OdoasonyinIjebu Ode
OsosaIjebu Ode

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