Atisbo L.G.A Postal Code

This is a Complete list of Atisbo L.G.A Postal Code, Towns and Villages. Atisbo L.G.A Zip code is the same as Atisbo L.G.A Postal code or L.G.A Postcode. Below we have the full list of postal code for Atisbo district area.

This list is organized by areas, districts and street. Mostly all the street in each area have the same postal/zip code. The Atisbo L.G.A Zip code is the nine digits at the front of each streets. The streets are under the area .

List of Atisbo Districts

Click on District to show the zip code

Ago AreAgo Are / Owo
AgunregeAgo Are / Owo
AlagaAgo Are / Owo
Bashi OwoAgo Are / Owo
Corner OwoAgo Are / Owo
ItoAgo Are / Owo
SabeAgo Are / Owo
IrawoIrawo / Ofiki
Irawo IleIrawo / Ofiki
IrawotedoIrawo / Ofiki
KajewoleIrawo / Ofiki
OfikiIrawo / Ofiki
OwodeIrawo / Ofiki

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