Ogbomoso South L.G.A Postal Code

This is a Complete list of Ogbomoso South L.G.A Postal Code, Towns and Villages. Ogbomoso South L.G.A Zip code is the same as Ogbomoso South L.G.A Postal code or L.G.A Postcode. Below we have the full list of postal code for Ogbomoso South district area.

This list is organized by areas, districts and street. Mostly all the street in each area have the same postal/zip code. The Ogbomoso South L.G.A Zip code is the nine digits at the front of each streets. The streets are under the area .

List of Ogbomoso South Districts

Click on District to show the zip code

Abepe AreaOgbomosho (Rural)
Adeogun AreaOgbomosho (Rural)
Agbede OlogboOgbomosho (Rural)
AhoyayaOgbomosho (Rural)
AiyegunOgbomosho (Rural)
AkataOgbomosho (Rural)
Akunko AreaOgbomosho (Rural)
Alafia Oluwa AreaOgbomosho (Rural)
AlapataOgbomosho (Rural)
Arendala AreaOgbomosho (Rural)
ArinkinkinOgbomosho (Rural)
ArowomoleOgbomosho (Rural)
Garage Alaseju AreaOgbomosho (Rural)
IbaponOgbomosho (Rural)
Idi IsinOgbomosho (Rural)
Idi OgbaaOgbomosho (Rural)
Idi OroOgbomosho (Rural)
IgboyiOgbomosho (Rural)
IjeruOgbomosho (Rural)
IkeyinsiOgbomosho (Rural)
Ile AlagunmuOgbomosho (Rural)
IlogboOgbomosho (Rural)
IsapaOgbomosho (Rural)
IsokoOgbomosho (Rural)
Ita OlolaOgbomosho (Rural)
Kolara AreaOgbomosho (Rural)
LagbeduOgbomosho (Rural)
Leper ColonyOgbomosho (Rural)
MoleteOgbomosho (Rural)
Odokoto AreaOgbomosho (Rural)
OgunbadoOgbomosho (Rural)
OguroOgbomosho (Rural)
Ojude Ajaawa AreaOgbomosho (Rural)
Oke AlapataOgbomosho (Rural)
Oke IjeruOgbomosho (Rural)
Oke-Oba AreaOgbomosho (Rural)
OlodanOgbomosho (Rural)
OlogedeOgbomosho (Rural)
Olope MarunOgbomosho (Rural)
Ore-Merin AreaOgbomosho (Rural)
OtitojuOgbomosho (Rural)
OwolaakeOgbomosho (Rural)
Petuo AreaOgbomosho (Rural)
Seventh Day Adventist AreaOgbomosho (Rural)

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